BLB&G is deeply committed to maintaining a dynamic and engaged workplace and fostering a culture where every lawyer and staff member, regardless of their background, is enabled to reach their full potential. The firm implements these principles through our Executive Committee, Diversity Committee, and Mentoring Program. The firm recognizes that we all benefit from a working environment that draws on the backgrounds and experiences of individuals from differing cultures, perspectives, experiences, and beliefs.
The Firm hosts educational programs and events centered around training, social and cultural awareness, and mentorship, and sponsors a number of external DEI initiatives. Highlights include:
- The Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann Public Interest Law Fellowships, Columbia Law School: In support of the firm's commitment to fighting discrimination and effecting positive social change, BLB&G created this Fellowship, which provides Fellows with 100% of the funding needed to make payments on their law school tuition loans so long as such graduates remain in the public interest law field. Additionally, the firm selects one CLS graduate each year to receive a separate Fellowship, which provides the opportunity to work in a litigation role at a public interest organization for two years before joining BLB&G as an associate.
- Beyond #MeToo: Comprised of diversity-inclusion experts, litigators, and academics, this interdisciplinary group was co-founded by BLB&G partner Rebecca Boon, among others, and is dedicated to understanding the root causes of workplace harassment, discrimination, and misconduct and making corporate America a better and more inclusive place for all of us to work. More information about the group is available here.
- The BLB&G Women's Forum: This online networking group for women leaders in pension funds and other institutional investors around the world was created in early 2020 to enable community members to connect and share ideas and solutions. The Forum has held a number of virtual events, including most recently a panel discussion focused on best practices for organizations seeking to promote diversity and inclusion.
- Education and Awareness: One of the firm’s objectives is to increase diversity among BLB&G attorneys and professional staff, as well as in the plaintiffs’ bar as a whole. To that end, we have implemented educational activities in partnership with diverse student associations at prominent law schools in the New York area. We also regularly host Lunch & Learns internally at the firm to educate and raise awareness among the entire BLB&G team.
- Mentoring and Professional Development Programs: The firm maintains active mentoring programs for both our attorneys and our professional staff. For attorneys, the firm focuses on providing guidance in cultivating key relationships, navigating the firm, and advancing their legal careers. Additionally, the firm dedicates significant resources to various professional development programs and to empower all attorneys and staff with the skills and training required to build successful careers and serve our clients.
- Matching Donation Program: The firm provides dollar-for-dollar matching contributions for employee contributions to recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations focused on initiatives related to social justice, diversity and legal aid.