“Securities Case Judges Haven’t Fully Absorbed Expert Rule Changes” by Jesse Jensen and Aasiya Glover Published By Bloomberg Law

June 20, 2024

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In this Bloomberg Law article, “Securities Case Judges Haven’t Fully Absorbed Expert Rule Changes,” BLB&G partner Jesse Jensen and associate Aasiya Glover discuss how recent amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence 702 have changed admissibility standards in securities litigation, resulting in inconsistent approaches by courts to address the amendments. The authors highlight key aspects of the amendments, which took effect last December, and analyze a handful of cases where courts have shown varying approaches — from explicitly considering the amendments or using the old rule, to not addressing the amendments directly. They conclude by saying the lack of uniformity is expected to evolve as more securities cases incorporate these changes, and the "possibility courts will hold more expert admissibility hearings under Federal Rule of Evidence 104(a)."

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Reproduced with permission. Published June 20, 2024. Copyright 2024 Bloomberg Industry Group 800-372-1033. For further use please visit https://www.bloombergindustry.com/copyright-and-usage-guidelines-copyright/