October 24, 2023

BLB&G continues to earn high praise as respected publication Benchmark Litigation has once again named the firm one of the best in the nation. The 2024 edition of Benchmark Litigation’s Definitive Guide to America's Leading Firms and Attorneys ranked BLB&G as a Tier 1 national firm for securities litigation and one of the country’s “Top Plaintiff firms.” Both the New York and Delaware offices were also recommended as top choices for dispute resolution. For more information, click here to view the rankings on Benchmark’s website.
Benchmark’s guide calls the firm “an undisputed leader in the securities-focused plaintiff arena,” with near-unanimous plaudits and admiration from both the same and opposite sides of the “V.” Voicing a general consensus, one peer declared, “Bernstein is always at the top…They are one of the few firms in this capacity that files the big, meaty securities cases, and they litigate them hard. They’re not just ‘first-to-filers’ trying to get out as quickly as possible with a weak settlement.” Another peer commented on the firm’s thoughtful discernment when it comes to cases, saying, “We see Bernstein Litowitz a lot but only in the bigger cases – they are more selective.”
Continuing the firm’s tradition of excellence, Benchmark’s practitioner rankings show 11 BLB&G partners were individually recognized for their significant contributions to the field. The latest Litigation Stars are Max Berger, Salvatore Graziano, Jim Harrod, John Rizio-Hamilton, Jeremy Robinson, Hannah Ross, and Jerry Silk. BLB&G's Future Stars are Rebecca Boon, Katherine Sinderson, Edward Timlin, and Jonathan Uslaner. Congratulations to all of the honorees!
Benchmark also highlighted BLB&G Partners Abe Alexander, Scott Foglietta, and Jesse Jensen earlier this year in its annual “40 & Under” list. This select group recognizes accomplished young lawyers who are "the best and brightest litigators across the U.S.” and “the top emerging talent in litigation.”
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Click here to read the full rankings.