October 5, 2021

Once again, leading industry observer Benchmark Litigation has named BLB&G one of the top litigation firms in the U.S. in its 2022 Benchmark Litigation Guide to America's Leading Litigation Firms and Attorneys. BLB&G ranked as a Tier 1 firm nationally in securities litigation, and is also listed as one of the “Top Plaintiff Firms.” The firm was also ranked highly in New York, Delaware and California (Los Angeles). For more information, click here to view the rankings on Benchmark’s website.
In its review of the firm, Benchmark describes the firm as “an undisputed leader in the securities-focused plaintiff arena, saying “peers on both sides of the ‘v’ offer plaudits and admiration on a near-unanimous basis.” Benchmark also highlights the firm’s Delaware Chancery practice, highlighting the work of partners Gregory Varallo and Mark Lebovitch. The review also highlights the securities litigation work of partners Jeremy Robinson, John Rizio-Hamilton, and John Browne in its review..
In its practitioner rankings Benchmark individually recognized BLB&G partners Max Berger, John Browne, Salvatore Graziano, Jim Harrod, Mark Lebovitch, John Rizio-Hamilton, Jeremy Robinson, Hannah Ross, Gerald Silk, Jonathan Uslaner, Jeroen van Kwawegen, and Gregory Varallo. Hannah was additionally recognized in August of this year as a Top Woman in Litigation.
Partners Abe Alexander, Rebecca Boon, Scott Foglietta, Christopher Orrico, Katie Sinderson, and Edward Timlin were recognized by Benchmark earlier this year in the 40 and Under Hot List category.
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Click here to read the full rankings.